
The US Bangla Foundation is a non-profit NGO serving people in need throughout Bangladesh. We collect funding and contributions from our donors in the United States, and distribute those resources to impoverished people in Bangladesh in the form of food, clothing, shelter, education, and opportunity. We develop programming to provide classes and educational supplements to both adults and children in Bangladesh, with the goal of preparing them to one day immigrate to the United States and pursue high trajectory careers. We also obtain and distribute critical food and supplies to people in Bangladesh who are malnourished or don’t have access, due to financial struggles as well as natural disasters. We cultivate success among the Bengali people by coupling their own resilience with resources and opportunities presented in the United States.
Our mission is to educate a generation of Bengali children and young adults who are prepared to enter the modern workforce and achieve upward mobility through new opportunities and resources. We aim to accomplish this mission by helping families meet the basic needs they face on a day to day basis through securing clean drinking water, food, housing assistance, and clothing. We also provide opportunity in the form of education, financial support, and small business development, to ensure that families are uplifted from poverty. We strongly believe that we must have a long lasting, constructive impact on those in need.
We see a Bangladesh that nourishes development and opportunity at an exponential pace, and a population that rapidly eliminates poverty and malnourishment among those in need. We believe in a Bangladesh without famine, without lack of clean drinking water, and without vast economic inequality. We see a Bangladesh where a resilient, entrepreneurial national identity stands tall in the face of an ever changing global environment.